Village Journal

matrescence, postpartum, motherhood Chelsea Robinson matrescence, postpartum, motherhood Chelsea Robinson

Setting Boundaries when you Become Mama

Setting boundaries with our families can be such a tricky and confusing road to navigate especially once you are already with baby in arms. (Best to be as proactive as possible, if possible.) We’re all too often stuck in a pattern/dynamic with our family that we’ve agreed to over the years (even without knowing), that once we become Mamas, might not fit us appropriately anymore. We’ve outgrown it and it's time for a change.

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matrescence, mothering, motherhood Chelsea Robinson matrescence, mothering, motherhood Chelsea Robinson

How you "Mother" is your deepest reflection of your values, Mama.

When you become pregnant and embark on your more visible motherhood/parenting journey...your values become under a spotlight and suddenly you can't hide them as much anymore. Here's the thing...if you can identify the "why" you are mothering the way you are, you might find yourself more confident in your decisions and less likely to second-guess yourself.

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