Village Journal
Loneliness in Motherhood is Real, Mama.
Motherhood has moments of loneliness for all of us. However, no matter how comfortable we are with this way of living, we also feel that deep in our bones something is missing; we can feel it. Humans are hard-wired for connection.
You're Not a Bad Mom: The Pandemic and Motherhood 2 years later
We’re two years into this pandemic and we’re burned out. We’re exhausted. We just want “normalcy” again. We’re sad, grieving and fed up. It isn’t okay anymore. It’s okay to not be okay with this anymore too. This is NOT what any of us ever imagined mothering would be like.
Who is that in the mirror? It isn’t me.
Our postpartum bodies bring up such mixed emotions - gratitude for the baby they birthed yet also frustration at it’s appearance. Back bounce culture is brutal. Yet our bodies are the physical representation of all the ways in which we’ve changed since becoming a mother.
Where’s My Village At?
You were promised a village. But where are they? Motherhood feels lonely, but with a little bit of effort, you can build the village you crave. Here’s how…